One Month Old


We receive lots of questions but have mixed reports on the benefits of Motherese. Motherese is an exaggerated child-directed talk whereby you are changing your pitch and rhythm and exaggerating important words, when interacting with your baby. At EBIPS we are concerned with the natural unfolding of children and we are interested in the love between you and your child. Therefore, our position is that if you instinctively use Motherese – by all means have fun and enjoy your genuine interaction. We are not concerned with whether or not this way of being with babies actually helps them with their sounds, words and where they begin and end.

Simply put the primary focus of these first six weeks includes: love, touch, warmth and food.

By 15 months there should be no more Motherese/Baby talk. Your proper speech will support your child’s proper speech development.

EBIPS the Awesome Parenting Apps – Click Daisy Emotional Behavioral Intellectual Physical & Social. Understand your children’s developmental milestones, newborn through ten, Take pics, document and organize in albums and slideshows.


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