EBIPS is a free parenting app designed to personalize and document your child’s developmental milestones. As an accurate and reliable tool, it is especially valuable given recent changes by the CDC, who have lowered expectations for key milestones such as crawling, walking, talking, and socializing. Furthermore, it is equally important to resist the pressure to formally educate your child early, which can lead to weak, pale, anxious children. With EBIPS, you are empowered to support your child’s development and ensure they are on the right track.
EBIPS guides towards the healthiest foundation by respecting development and emphasizing a solid foundation, ensuring children develop at a natural pace, but if you see your child is behind, to seek support for vulnerable developmental closing windows while the pediatrician typically takes the “wait and see” approach.
Just as a daisy flourishes to its highest potential by following its natural rhythm from seed to bud and blossom, your child must unfold through appropriate and timely development. Ultimately, you’re nurturing your child’s solid foundation towards full bloom.
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