- Nose rubbing up toward the ceiling because it itches causing the allergic nose wrinkle.
- Puffiness under the eyes.
- Dark eye circles.
- Eye wrinkles, especially those who have eczema. If you must tip your head or strain to see these wrinkles, you do not have them.
- Brilliant red earlobes provide a red flag at the onset of an allergic reaction.
- Abnormally red rosy cheeks particularly characteristic in allergic children two to four years old and adult females who have multiple food or chemical allergies.
- Mothers/teachers recognize looks they describe as “spaced out,” “not with it,” “demonic” or having “glassy, glazed eyes” and these looks are typically accompanied by an episode of “impossible” behavior.
- Facial twitches or tics along with rapidly wiggling legs and can include other muscles.
- Recurrent infections – ear, sinus, adenoid and tonsil.
- Abdominal pain, gas, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or halitosis.
- A general discomfort in the umbilical area.
- Recurrent headaches above or behind the eyes or on the sides, back, or top of the head.
- Aggression, vulgarity, withdrawal.
- Coated white tongue, bloated abdomen, itchy body rash, persistent hair or foot odor not relieved by washing.