1. Motor
- Difference between dominant and non-dominant sides of body
- Avoiding crossing midline
- Hesitating to explore with movement
- Vascillating extremely in balance
- Does not automatically resume balance
- Riding a bike takes years to learn
- Difficulty remaining seated in chair
- Preferring to eat and work on the floor
- Not mastering simple athletic skills
- Difficulty with fine motor skills
- Resists eating with a spoon or fork
- Difficulty learning to tie shoes
- Talking self through motor tasks
- Difficulty using scissors
- Difficulty holding a pencil correctly
- Pressing deeply to control writing
2. Visual-Spatial-Organizational
- Difficulty with spatial perceptions and spatial relations
- Difficulty with recognition and organization of visual-spatial information
- Difficulty with visual memory and visualization
- Continuous dialogue
- Labeling everything verbally
- Not forming visual images or able to revisualize
- Not interested in building or construction toys
- Difficulty placing written responses
- Using counting, labeling, recounting
- Preferring predictable situations
- Difficulty remembering shapes
- Difficulty remembering sequence
- Writing slow and arduously
- Difficulty copying from chalkboard
3. Social
- Labeled “annoying” or “attention seeking”
- Blunders socially incessantly
- Missing non verbal social cues
- Not recognizing faces
- Not interpreting gestures
- Not recognizing facial expressions
- Not noticing changes in voice
- No changing in expression or tone of voice
- Responding with terse or curt responses
- Translating literally
- Continually misjudging and misinterpreting social circumstances
- Trusting naively
- Not understanding deceit, cunning or manipulation
- Taking everyone at face value
- Often regarded as “rude” or ill-mannered