Four Years Old

From the Classic Video: Positive Parenting with Dr. Julia Cooper

Until the audio and video are rereleased below are a few samplings on Positive Parenting.

Build your child’s emotional intelligence by asking girls each day after school and boys before bed, “Tell me something that made you feel sad today.” Listen, nod, ask what could you do about it, or what could you do if it happened again, basically allowing them to feel their feeling, process and then “bounce” with solutions. Then do this for mad, more accurately called angry but we tend to call this by rhyme the Sad, Mad, Glad Game. And then end by asking for a few glads or happy moments in their day.

The paperwork for this is at

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EBIPS the Awesome Parenting Apps – Click Daisy Emotional Behavioral Intellectual Physical & Social. Understand your children’s developmental milestones, newborn through ten, Take pics, document and organize in albums and slideshows.


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